2024 | Moderated Panel Discussion
"What We've Done and Where We're Going" with
Candra Reeves, Urban League of Greater SW Ohio
Gabriel Fletcher, Holloman Center for Social Justice
Littisha Bates, University of Cincinnati
Royce Sutton, Fifth Third Bank
and Panel Moderator Dr. Yalie Saweda Kamara

Angela’s exploratory presentation took an in-depth look at America’s problems with racism and injustice. She offered a forecast of the current state of equality and discussed what we can collectively do to improve rights for all. Angela Davis is the author of more than 10 books on class, gender, race, and the U.S. prison system. She is an icon of her generation - an outspoken powerhouse at the vanguard of the Black Power movement, feminist scholarship, and prison reform.

Heather McGhee is the author of the New York Times Bestseller
"The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together"
2022 | Heather McGhee
2021 | Dr. Gail Christopher

Dr. Gail Christopher is a distinguished change agent renowned for her expertise in the social determinants of health, well-being, and associated public policies. She is the visionary and driving force behind the groundbreaking Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation initiative spearheaded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.